We got a call from our daughter in Greeley, she is 8 months pregnant and having some flu like symptoms, yuck.
Darlene encouraged her to go see the folks at the hospital to get checked out. Thankfully as they took her vitals they found some issues, high blood pressure, preeclampsia and the baby had hellp. Neither being good, and an impending delivery, we quickly headed for Colorado and straight to Greeley. I think we covered a little over 400 miles in about 5.5 hours, we were "bookin" it as they say.
Conner Joseph was born at 1:30 am on the 31st! He is amazing and weighs in at 5lbs, 2 oz. He is 5 weeks premature and is in the NICU here in Greeley. The day after his arrival, Lindsay was transported to St. Luke's in Denver to be under the care of a liver specialist. ( I'm sure there is a fancier name) They are working on getting her back to liver health and hope to be reunited with little Conner by the end of this week.
Darlene and I, in the mean time are doing life with a 4 and 2 year old, including Halloween, preschool, well baby visit and of course doing bonding time with Conner a couple times a day. Darlene in the morning and I in the evening. How amazing to do skin to skin time with him, praying for his little body to be strong and healthy, I have also been asking the Lord for amazing bravery and courage with a great bond with papa and above all a greater bond with Jesus during the course of his life. I mean, who gets to sit, hold and pray for your 2 day old grand baby for an hour? It is forcing me to slow my roll and dial into the moment, for this I am very grateful.
The out pouring of prayer and support have been very encouraging and helpful to Darlene and our family. We shared with folks as we drove on Sunday, it is very sweet to know of our community and the prayers ascending to the Lord from Oregon to Romania and beyond! If you are reading this, please know that we consider you a beautiful part of His community and we are a direct beneficiary. In short...Thanks!
I thought you might enjoy a family pic of Jimmy, Lindsay and family, Conner is present, just not seen but by the Father :)
PS More to come about our visit to Garden City, con fotos ( with photos)